HELLLOOOO! Long time. Sorry about that. Trying to get some semblance of normalcy and routine in the house. If anyone knows how please let me know!
Per the title I am going to talk about mornings. Mornings are not my thing. You know when someone says they are a morning person, I just sort of look at them and think "Yeah right, LIAR, I bet you got here today by unicorn too!". That is what I am thinking if you have ever told me you are a morning person.
There are allegedly 2 types of people in this world, morning people and night owls. I think there has to be a 3rd type because I am neither of the previous two. I don't like to get up and I REALLY like to go to sleep though I do tend to get a second wind. I am able to stay up later when I push myself to stay up so I think I have some night owl tendencies but I turn into a pumpkin no matter what around 11 pm!
I think about how much more I could get done if I was either a morning person or night owl. Wouldn't it be nice to get up so early (and like it) that you can workout, shower, make a breakfast, and then get your kids up and ready. What a glorious scenario. Though I dream of one day having the will power to do that in the morning, it has evaded me.
For the night owls, my own mother included, how do you do it and still get up in the morning? I have tried staying up after the kids to get stuff done but I am just too spent be productive. It also puts me in need of multiple cups of coffee the next day to feel alert.
My question for the masses is:
What type of person are you and how do you use your type to get the most done in one day?
I would love to hear of any tips/tricks people use to balance life along with getting enough sleep!
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