Monday, October 22, 2012

Halloween Mantel

I don't know about anyone else but I LOVE to decorate the house for holidays.  With Halloween coming up I have been slowing adding more decor around the house. I actually think I like having it out more then anyone else in my house!

I put up my Halloween mantel decor recently.  I try to change it up every year with something different so it isn't the same old same old year after year.  This year I strung the spiderweb material all over the mirror above the mantel to give it height so the rest of the decor didn't feel so small against the large mirror.  I hooked in a few of the spiders that came with the webbing.  They really do look real if you aren't expecting to see them!

I was snooping around Tuesday Morning this summer and came across a witch's hat in the 80% off section so it came home with me that day.  I love that new addition because it has built in lights that have two settings, flashing and not flashing.  I really didn't think that would work when I bought it because of it being extremely on sale so when it worked I was pleasantly surprised!

I have 2 metal Halloween houses I put out every year so I built them up with small books so they are  little taller.  The tree I bought years ago from Hallmark still sits proudly in the middle.  I added a few spider and pumpkin candle holders to add lower level detail.

The cat was a gift I was "booed" with at work last year.  Frankly I didn't know where else to put him so on the mantel he went.

I draped the whole mantel with some black spiderweb fabric that was meant to be a table runner but I think the width works perfectly on the mantel.

Does anyone else do up a Halloween mantel or any other scary scene in their house? 
I would love to see pictures!

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